Visible mending: everyday repairs in the South West

Steven Bond ) (Illustrator), Caitlin DeSilvey , James R. Ryan

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    In September 2010 a team of three researchers—two cultural geographers and a photographer—set out to find and visit workplaces in the South West where people repair broken things. Notebooks and cameras were the project tools, and these tools produced an extensive archive of texts and images, a selection of which are printed in this book, the culmination of eighteen months of fieldwork.

    The project was inspired by an attraction to the aesthetics of these workplaces, but also by an interest in what the practices of fixing, mending, repair and renewal could reveal about the way people value things, and each other.

    In the words of Elizabeth Spelman: “…though we do not repair everything we value, we would not repair things unless they were in some sense valuable to us, and how they matter to us shows up in the form of repair we undertake”.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationAxminster, Devon
    Number of pages160
    ISBN (Print)9780956855992
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


    • mending
    • repair
    • making
    • south west
    • crafts


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    • 21 stories

      DeSilvey, C., Ryan, J. R. & Bond, S. (Illustrator), 1 Oct 2014, In: Cultural Geographies. 21, 4, p. 657-672 16 p.

      Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

      Open Access

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