Visual content analysis of historic functional images: Exploring colour representation on historical hand-coloured urban maps

Chenyang Xie

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


    Old maps as visual documents are significant historical records that explain
    the changes within cities. However, much information has disappeared
    with the lack of a professor system for collections of urban maps before the
    18th century. This is true of especially coloured urban maps. This information, and the associated knowledge, could be rediscovered by analysis of
    these maps. Thus, it needs methods, under the umbrella of visual analysis,
    which focus on exploring graphic elements in visual resources. Thus, this
    paper will discuss one of the methods for analysing the graphic elements
    in historical urban maps, focusing on colour language. Using in historic
    maps many elements have little contextual information due to lack records
    and development of cities, resulting in alterations in maps. One example,
    is the difficulty in finding the functions, materials and owners of common
    buildings (e.g. houses) when compared with famous building (e.g. cathedral) in a city map. Understanding the meaning of graphic elements on
    historical urban maps explores symbols, without reference to text records.
    Thus, how to code and classify these graphic elements depends on visual
    analysing from primary materials. Therefore, it requires the understanding
    and discussion of visual content analysis to research the meanings and the
    hidden information of graphic elements in historical functional images,
    which have little other context. As there is a large amount of repeating
    information in an urban map, it is useful to compare and summarise the
    similarity, and differences, of data as systemic samples. This highlights the
    function of visual content analysis again.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 22 May 2020
    Event6th International Conference on Visual Culture - Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France
    Duration: 16 Apr 202017 Apr 2020


    Conference6th International Conference on Visual Culture
    Abbreviated titleGKA VISUAL 2020
    Internet address


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