Visuospatial counter-interrogation strategies by liars familiar with the alibi setting

Haneen Deeb, Pär Anders Granhag, Aldert Vrij, Leif A. Strömwall, Lorraine Hope, Samantha Mann

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This study examines counter-interrogation strategies employed by liars giving false alibis. Participants (N = 144) visited a restaurant to buy a sandwich (truth-tellers) or to use it as a false alibi (liars). Half of the liars were informed they might be asked for a drawing of the alibi setting if interviewed (informed liars). Participants spent either 10 min (high familiarity condition) or 30 s (low familiarity condition) in the restaurant. All participants were asked to provide two visuospatial statements, which were assessed for salient details, nonsalient details, between-statement consistency, and statement-alibi setting consistency. Informed liars provided significantly more salient and nonsalient details than uninformed liars and truth-tellers, particularly in the high familiarity condition. No differences emerged for statement consistency types. The results suggest that liars are more concerned than truth-tellers about making a positive impression on the interviewer, and they fail to accurately reflect on truth-tellers' visuospatial statements.
Original languageEnglish
JournalApplied Cognitive Psychology
Early online date14 Jan 2018
Publication statusEarly online - 14 Jan 2018


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