Voices of the Caucasus: mapping knowledge production on the Caucasus region

Lala Jumayeva, Aleksey Gunya, Mark Simon Youngman, Lidia Kurbanova, Nino Kemoklidze

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There is growing recognition that diversity and representation matter to the intellectual health of fields and disciplines. This article takes stock of knowledge production on the Caucasus region, paying particular attention to the question of who has “voice” in academic debates on the North and South Caucasus. Through analysis of publications in, and the editorial boards of, “leading” International Relations (IR) and Area Studies journals, we examine the biographies of scholars, the topics covered, and citation levels. We demonstrate the marginality of the Caucasus within IR and limited representation for scholars educated and employed in the region within Area Studies, as well as distinct differences according to background in the topics covered. This research provides a foundation for further exploring disciplinary inequalities and their consequences in relation to the Caucasus.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPost-Soviet Affairs
Early online date1 Dec 2023
Publication statusEarly online - 1 Dec 2023


  • Knowledge production
  • Caucasus region
  • academic debates
  • International Relations discipline
  • Area Studies
  • disciplinary inequalities


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