Welfare to work devolution in England

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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    The report finds that:
    • In other countries, the devolution of welfare to work spurred local actors
    to integrate the delivery of employment, training and other services and
    to improve performance.
    • Devolution of the Work Programme (WP) and other welfare to work
    services should be tailored to local governance capacity and should be an
    explicit aim of City and Growth Deals, rather than a tacit local objective.
    • There should be further devolution of the working relationship between
    Jobcentres and local government and more coherent partnership
    agreements to help facilitate integrated service delivery.
    • Central accountability and greater local control can be aligned through
    negotiated agreements, performance reporting systems, and the
    incentives and sanctions embedded in conditional central funding such as
    block grants and black box contracts.
    • Variation in service delivery should be accommodated but welfare to
    work devolution must be underpinned by transparent national minimum
    standards, especially where participation is mandatory.
    • Performance requirements should help shape devolution in ways that
    are likely to contribute to poverty reduction, and future welfare to work
    provision should reward job
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationYork
    PublisherJoseph Rowntree Foundation
    Number of pages91
    ISBN (Electronic)9781909586666
    Publication statusPublished - Mar 2015


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