What lesson can we learn from football about leadership and management?

Birgit Schyns, Sarah Elaine Gilmore, G. Dietz

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


    Football, or soccer as it is known in the United States, is one area in which managerial positions are hugely volatile with what is often called a ‘merry-go-round’ of managers sacked for poor performance at their club and reemployed by another club. Not only does this practice often not increase performance but it is also very costly. Considering the nature of football, that is, the relatively high impact of chance on the rare events that goals are, and the high correlation between success and the wage bill, the influence of managers on performance is often over-estimated. However, potentially better preparation of future managers might help to increase competitive advantages. In this chapter, we are looking in depth at leadership in the context of football and the lessons we can draw for other contexts.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationLeadership lessons from compelling contexts
    EditorsC. Peus, S. Braun, G. Dietz
    PublisherEmerald Publishing Limited
    ISBN (Print)9781785609428
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Feb 2016

    Publication series

    NameMonographs in Leadership and Management
    PublisherEmerald Group Publishing


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