Which team do you support? Situating in-between identity of immigrant women in Taiwan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Defying the pressure of demanding immigrants submitting their singular and exclusive loyalty to the residing country, this paper recognises the legitimacy of immigrants’ dual identity. Using the responses of immigrant women to sports events as a case study, this paper illuminates that dual identity is intertwined by primordial identity of the natal country and a gendered identity of the residing country as a caring mother. Defining the scenario where the immigrants’ natal country and residing country compete with each other at a sporting event as ‘in-between’ situation, this paper asserts that the concept of dual identity is inadequate to grasp the fluidity of immigrants’ national identity. Arising out of the in-between situation is an ‘in-between’ identity in which immigrants experience the ambiguity, fusion, conflict and liminality of the two senses of national belonging. A sporting event where the two countries play against each other symbolises the commonness, rather than the oddness, of the in-between identity.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5-23
Number of pages19
JournalBerliner China-Hefte - Chinese History and Society
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jun 2016
Event11th Annual Conference of European Association of Taiwan Studies: Taiwan: Self vs. Other - University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Duration: 30 Apr 20142 May 2014
Conference number: 11


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