Who killed my son?

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


    NUJ member Christine Lord watched her journalist son Andrew Black die of vCJD – the human strain of so-called ‘Mad Cow Disease’ – at the age of 24.

    She promised him on his death bed that she would find out how and why he had become infected and who was to blame. The result is a book which outlines her subsequent campaign Justice for Andy, which she argues uncovers a shocking degree of institutional corruption, incompetence and deceit.
    Original languageEnglish
    Specialist publicationNational Union of Journalists
    PublisherNational Union of Journalists
    Publication statusPublished - 18 Sept 2013


    • BSE
    • VcJD
    • Investigative interviewing
    • governance
    • ethics
    • agricultural policies
    • food production


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