'You get plenty of punishment'

Madeline Ruth Petrillo

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


The traumatic personal experiences of women in the criminal justice system often go unnoticed. Their experiences are ignored; their needs minimised; their support and treatment an afterthought. Through the publication of short articles, we are providing a space for women's voices to be heard. Madeline Petrillo, a Senior Lecturer at the University of Portsmouth, will tell their stories. She will use their own words where possible as recorded in a series of interviews for a project examining women’s pathways to desistance from crime. All names and other identifying information have been changed.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationCentre for Crime and Justice Studies
Publication statusPublished - 7 Dec 2015


  • breaking the silence
  • justice matters for women
  • trauma
  • women


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