An Evolution in the Management of Complex Cranio-Orbital and Anterior Skull Base Trauma
: From Who to Reconstruct – to How to

  • Simon Holmes

    Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


    The body of work in this thesis presents the research and dissemination of knowledge through refereed publications, scientific textbooks, presentations to scientific meetings, and electronic based media. The work is directed toward the management of complex cranio- orbital trauma which has evolved significantly over the last 20 years in response to the increased complexity of injuries presenting to the facial trauma surgeon. Developments in surgical access, treatment planning, enhanced dissection, and surgical materials have
    yielded palpable improvements in efficiency and aesthetic outcomes. The work presented demonstrates clinical and academic contributions in all of these areas.
    It is apparent that increased injury complexity has a dose dependent relationship with escalating energy of injury. The biomechanical complexity of the orbit and anterior skull base together with associated soft tissues has provided a research focus to contribute to the understanding of these injury patterns. This is
    essential to understand the relationship with the mechanisms of injury and help predict which patients will come to surgery and to influence treatment pathways. Novel research is presented in terms of clinical cases, finite element modelling, and fractal analysis which support this.
    Dissemination of this knowledge in the form of scientific papers, academic books, scientific and clinical presentations, and an on- line distance learning course highlight contributions in this field.
    Date of Award19 Sept 2022
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • University of Portsmouth
    SupervisorGraham Mills (Supervisor)

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