Digital public service integration in refugee camp
: camp to city : just to time bureaucracy

  • Mohammed Al-Husban

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


Efficient public service delivery is a primary task of public administration within any governance model. The main theme of modern governance implies an integrated, effective and citizen centric practices of government and administration as a prerequisite for a long term positive development of the economy. Electronic public service delivery via e-government portal has become a convenient means for the customers – Citizens and Businesses- to fulfil their requirements.This thesis investigates public service integration practicality, technicality and applicability in Jordan, with special emphasis in applying a novel public service integration model to the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan. The thesis has primarily identified areas of integration in the public service provision within the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan. 168 hours of recorded interviews and focus groups resulted from an intensive four year field study has helped defining a very remarkable and rather agile service provision model with four identified stages, namely, manic phase, just in time bureaucracy phase, semi structured phase and structured and sustainable phase. Moreover, this thesis captures essential features of the dynamicity and versatility of service provision models in Zaatari refugee camp. It has also helped in identifying serious issues in the government services provided within the camp, especially in the context of medical and education services.
The thesis also argues that humanitarian actors should develop a better provisional model for refugee assistance. The novel service integration model constructed within will contribute to wider range of humanitarian crisis applications, especially in the context of refugee camps. The research strongly suggests that Jordanian government must shift its response from emergency level service provision model represented by immediate humanitarian relief to a structured service provision model represented by self-sustainable and long-term development, and from building camps to supporting cities through a sustainable efficient service provision model. Public service integration within the camp is not only necessary but also critical and crucial to cope with the extensive and sever humanitarian crisis in Jordan.
This thesis provides an interoperability integration framework that connects closely coordinated services based on Service Oriented Architecture, Enterprise Service Bus and Web services in an attempt to align the organizational structures and processes of different government departments. The suggested integration framework has been demonstrated on two realistic case examples of public service integration in the current electronic government project implementation in Jordan. The first example is integrating three services, namely, applying for a Tourism Agency License, applying for a Vocational License and applying for No Criminal Record Certificate in a highly interoperable manner and a high level of adaptability to existing government policies and priorities. The second example draws upon the existing dependency in the current public service structure, and it applies the integration framework to Custom Clearance Service, Vocational Licenses and No Criminal Certificate services.
Finally, the thesis provides a set of recommendations on how to apply the suggested integration framework to the identified areas of integration in the refugee camp, education and medical services, within the Zaatari refugee camp, and use this as model for future crisis management scenarios such as refugee camps.
Date of AwardJun 2015
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Portsmouth
SupervisorCarl Adams (Supervisor) & Rich Boakes (Supervisor)

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