Fashioning Space:
: Transforming the Use of Textiles and Their Inherent Properties by Integrating Spatial and Garment Design Practices in Space Design and Fabrication

    Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


    This thesis aims to transform and extend the use of textile as a construction
    material in spatial design by integrating garment design practice. It builds on
    current research which explores how—rather than making new materials—
    material innovation occurs through transforming ways of material handling;
    by working with materials’ inherent properties rather than in opposition to
    This thesis speculates about the integration of currently separate disciplinary
    practices as a strategy for transformation and innovation in textile use, and
    as a way of knowing and producing knowledge. Therefore, it is important to
    understand how integrating spatial and garment design practices can extend
    and transform spatial designers’ use and understanding of the potential of
    textiles’ and their inherent properties. Furthermore, to consider how
    integration happens, or can happen, in practice.
    To answer these questions required an interdisciplinary approach in and of
    itself. Research ‘through’ practice was a crucial mode of inquiry in this design
    research: it allowed engagement with tacit and practical/experiential
    knowledge in addition to the imagining and creating of new realities.
    The dominant research strategy was an interdisciplinary ‘through’ practice
    strategy implementing concepts of reflective practice, experiential learning
    and designers’ ways of knowing into Repko’s (2008) interdisciplinary
    research framework. In a pilot stage, and then in a design project, this
    strategy encompassed reflexive design, making and learning activities using
    virtual and physical materials and models.
    I intended to reflect on that integration happened in my own reflexive design
    practice by comparing data generated and collected from my own practice
    with that collected from other designers’ practices. Hence, a case study
    strategy of the same project, designed by other designers (design students),
    Fashioning Space
    augmented and reflected upon this research ‘through’ practice. This case
    was studied through participant observation and follow-up interviews.
    By reflecting on resulting interdisciplinary design processes, methods,
    outcomes and insights, this thesis indicates that achieving integration is not
    automatic when bringing two disciplinary practices together. Also, that the
    conditions in which it is achieved are those of being situated in context (e.g.
    in a design project) and experiential learning (of textile handling) involving
    interaction with members of the community of practice. Furthermore,
    experiential learning is shown to be the activating mechanism for achieving
    This thesis develops a ‘Fashioning Space’ way of thinking as an extended
    and transformed understanding and use of textile and its potential in spatial
    design practice. This work prepares the ground for further research into the
    rich territory of integrated garment and spatial design practices. Furthermore,
    this thesis demonstrates how design, as a way of thinking through material,
    can be positioned within the design research context; and how design, as
    continual cycles of experiential learning and reflection-in-action, can be a
    strategy to achieve integration of practices.
    Date of Award20 Feb 2021
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • University of Edinburgh
    SupervisorEd Hollis (Supervisor)

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