Social Worker Reflection: Conversations with Social Workers about how they Reflect in Practice

  • Bill Cleary

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


This study examines how social workers reflect, and what constitutes social worker reflection. The study argues that the bulk of research in professional reflection is normative. As such it endorses unquestioned assumptions of what reflection is and how professionals should reflect. Hence, the study takes an open-ended approach to how social workers reflect, and what constitutes social worker reflection. It does this by examining social workers’ stories about situations that called for reflection. The study draws on a sample of 12 participants: 6 UK social workers and 6 Danish social workers.
The study draws on narrative analysis (Labov, 1972; Hall, 2018). The study is epistemologically anchored in hermeneutics. The study finds that not-knowing functions as a catalyst for social worker reflection. That reflection involves storytelling in response to not-knowing. The study construes such responsive storytelling as both interpretative (Gadamer, 1960) and performative (Bourdieu, 1977; 1984; 2000). The author calls for more research into the dynamics between interpretive and performative elements of social worker reflection.
The study makes an original contribution to research in 5 ways. First, the study provides insights into how social workers reflect. Second, the study outlines what constitutes social worker reflection. Third, the study provides insights into negative epistemology, i.e., epistemology based on not- knowing. Fourth, the study provides new theoretical insights by combining Bourdieusian and Gadamerian perspectives on social worker reflection. Finally, the study provides comparative insights into the tastes that support/limit social worker reflection in British and Danish settings.
The study outlines the need for negative epistemology in research in social worker reflection, i.e., an epistemology centered on not-knowing as opposed to knowing. The study calls for more research into how gender informs how social workers deal with not-knowing. Finally, the study calls for more knowledge of epistemology and philosophy in social worker education and practice.
Date of Award29 Nov 2023
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Portsmouth
SupervisorGeorge Ackers (Supervisor), Simon Stewart (Supervisor) & Rosa Marvell (Supervisor)

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